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An overview of Syngency's website templates, which allow you to control the look and functionality of your Syngency website.

Ryan Marshall avatar
Written by Ryan Marshall
Updated over a week ago

The pages of your Syngency-powered website are made up of ten templates, which are created using a combination of HTML, CSS, and Liquid. HTML and CSS dictate the layout and appearance of your site, and Liquid controls what is displayed on the page by Syngency.

Liquid is a powerful templating language that is also very easy to learn and use.
It was created by Shopify and Syngency uses a very similar version of it, as well as a similar collection of templates:


The global container template. This can be used for any content you want to display on every page of your site (eg. header, logo, menu, footer, etc). 



The main page of your blog – this typically lists the most recent posts published.

Blog Post


An individual blog post – this template will be displayed when a blog post is clicked on from the main blog page. This template can feature “Share” links for Facebook, Twitter, etc. so visitors can share the blog post online. 



The list of your agency’s divisions (eg. Fashion, Commercial, Celebrity etc).



The list of models that belong to a particular division. This can either be all models, or men or women separately.


This is your homepage – the first page visitors see when they arrive at your site. You can use it to show your latest blog posts, featured models, an image carousel – just about anything you like.



This can be one of the more complex templates – it is used to display a models’ details, measurements, and galleries.



The website page for your package.



A simple template used to display the general content of any extra pages you create for your site.


The results of any model search are displayed on this page.

Not Found (404)


The 404 (a web code for “Page Not Found”) page is displayed when the visitor has entered an address for your site that does not match a blog post, division, model, page, or redirect.

Talent Submission


The Talent Submission template features a form that prospective talent can submit to be considered for your agency.

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