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Getting started with Xero

How to connect Syngency to Xero, and link your chart of accounts.

Ryan Marshall avatar
Written by Ryan Marshall
Updated over 5 years ago

Syngency can seamlessly sync your invoiced bookings, contact and model data with Xero, reducing admin, and saving you time each day.

To connect Syngency to Xero, follow these steps:

  1. Click Settings in the main menu:

2. From the side menu, click the Accounts tab, and select "Xero" from the Accounts Integration dropdown, then click Save.

3. When the page reloads, click on the new Xero tab that has appeared at at the bottom of the Settings side menu, under the heading "Accounts Integration":

4. You will need to connect to Xero and select the organisation you wish to sync with your Syngency account. To do this, click the "Connect to Xero" button:

5. You will be redirected to Xero, and if you aren't already signed in, you will be prompted to do this first:

6. If you are already signed in, or once you have, a screen will appear requesting your authorisation for Syngency to access your selected Xero organisation:

Select your organisation, click the Allow access button, and after a few short moments you will see the "Syngency is now enabled" message, and will be redirected back to Syngency.

7. Click on the Xero tab again, and you will now be able to map your Xero chart of accounts, with the various transaction types in Syngency.

Fees and expenses charged to clients in the Invoice section:

And fees and expenses paid to talent in the Bills section:

If you would like to import an example Chart of Accounts file into Xero as a starting point, you can download the Syngency defaults here.

8. If you have added a tax type to the Fees & Taxes tab in Syngency, you will also need to map this to the tax types you have setup in Xero:

If you don't have any tax types, just set all of the Tax options to Tax Exempt:

Once you have created or imported new accounts in Xero, you'll need to click the Reload Accounts button in the top-right corner of the page:

9. Once you've finished mapping your chart of accounts, click Save and you're all done!Β 

Now when you save a booking with a status of Invoiced, the invoice will be created in Xero, a bill will be created for each model in the booking, as well the client's contact data and model data synced to Xero.

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