Email Talent

You are able to email talent the booking details from this tab

Anna avatar
Written by Anna
Updated over a week ago

Once talent have been added to a booking and booking details have been filled in, you are able to email talent from this tab.

You are able to preview the email before sending it by clicking on the Preview button next to the talent email address.

If you would like the talent to be able to confirm or decline the booking, please make sure the "Show confirmation button" box is ticked at the bottom of the email template.

The details included in the email to talent are:

  • Schedule & Location (and notes added in these tabs)

  • Notes filled in under the Talent tab (specific to that talent)

  • Fees (excl. Agency Commission)

  • Usage

  • Attachment (If this had been selected in the talent details, see below)

Email Preview:

Talent details:

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