The Expenses tab of a talent's profile provides two types of expenses which can be added to the talent's account, and created in Xero.
Clicking Add Expense in this tab, will open the Expenses window:
It's important to understand the two expense types, and how they correspond with Xero.
These are deductions against the talent's account β generally from what they are owed on upcoming jobs. Typically a chargeback might be a Website fee, charges for Comp Cards, or any other kind of amount the agency needs to directly charge the talent for.
Chargebacks created in Syngency will create a Credit Note in Xero, which can then be applied to Bills owing to the talent. Once applied to the Bill, the amount of the Credit Note will be deducted. So if a talent is owed $500 from an outstanding Bill, and a Credit Note of $100 is applied to it, the net amount owed to the talent from the Bill will be $400.
As the name suggests, these are payments made to the talent, in advance of their next payment. Typically this might be to cover rent, a salon visit which the talent will reimburse, or simply just funds the talent can use until they are paid for their next job.
Advances created in Syngency will create a Bill in Xero, which can then be paid to the talent, just like a Bill created by a booking.
Typically any advance created, will later be followed up by a Chargeback for the same amount, reimbursing the agency for the payment made to the talent.