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Source & Cast For Background
Source & Cast For Background

Learn how to use Source & Cast to manage your Background Projects

Source & Cast Tutorial - FULL SITE TRAINING
Overview Of The Library In Source & Cast
Creating A Job In Source & Cast
Adding Dates In The Job Calendar In Source & Cast
Storing Scripts & Documents In Source & Cast
Overview Of Background In Source & Cast
Adding Roles In Source & Cast
Copy From Existing Role In Source & Cast
Viewing Archived Roles In Source & Cast
Creating Submission Questions In Source & Cast
Publish Roles In Source & Cast
Unpublish A Role In Source & Cast
Creating External Submission Links In Source & Cast
Overview Of Submissions In Source & Cast
Viewing Submissions In Source & Cast
Creating Permanent Notes Against A Talent In Source & Cast
Viewing A Talent Profile In Source & Cast
Selecting Images For Talent In Source & Cast
Uploading An Image For Talent In Source & Cast
Selecting Talent For A Role In Source & Cast
Search & Add Talent From Submissions In Source & Cast
Worksheet Overview In Source & Cast
Viewing By Date In The Worksheet In Source & Cast
Customizing Columns In The Worksheet In Source & Cast
Filtering & Editing Worksheet Columns & Cells In Source & Cast
Overview Of Actions Within The Worksheet In Source & Cast
Viewing Mix Of Talent From The Worksheet In Source & Cast
Checking Quota Counts In Source & Cast
Adding Talent Into The Worksheet In Source & Cast
Contacting Talent Via Chat In Source & Cast
Making Request From The Worksheet In Source & Cast
Requesting Info And/Or Media In Source & Cast
Checking Availability In Source & Cast
Booking Talent In Source & Cast
Sending A General Notice In Source & Cast
Tracking Requests From The Worksheet In Source & Cast
Exporting The Worksheet In Source & Cast
Creating A Photo Pull In Source & Cast
Creating Skins In Source & Cast
Sending Calltimes In Source & Cast
Editing Calltimes On The Worksheet In Source & Cast
Moving Talent Between Dates/Roles In Source & Cast
Other Actions Available On The Worksheet In Source & Cast
Adding A Scene Or Location In Source & Cast
Client Presentations From The Worksheet In Source & Cast
An Alternate Workflow To Create A Client Presentation In Source & Cast