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Create your first Booking

Creating your first Booking is simple

Anna avatar
Written by Anna
Updated over 8 months ago

Creating Bookings is simple - you are able to create a Booking from either the Agency Calendar; the Talent Chart or using the New Bookings tab.

Creating a new booking using the Bookings tab

  1. Click on Bookings tab

  2. Click on New Booking

3. The page will refresh and open a New Booking

4. In order to save a New Booking, you must first enter a Description.  This field is the 'name of the booking' which will appear in your Calendar, and that of any talent added to the booking (if they are using the Syngency for Talent App.)

5. At this point you are also able to enter Talent details, if you have them. However the only mandatory field is Description.

6.. Save the Booking by clicking Save (bottom right of the page).  A band at the top of the page will show you the booking has been saved.

7. You are able to save a booking with only the Description field filled out- this is the minimum requirement to save.

Creating a Booking using the Agency Calendar

1. Navigate to the Agency Calendar

2. Click on the date you wish to make the Booking for - if there are multiple dates, you can click and drag.

3. A New Booking window will pop up in the screen

Creating a Booking from the Talent Chart

1. Navigate to a specific Talent Chart

2. Click on the date or click and drag if you are wanting to select several date. An option menu will appear. Select Booking

3. The New Booking pop up will open on the page and the talent whose chart you are on will have been autopopulated

4. The minimum information needed to be filled out is the Booking Description in order for the Booking to be listed.

Next Steps:

  1. Fill out as much information as you have available for the booking

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