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Create your first Booking

Creating your first Booking is simple

Anna avatar
Written by Anna
Updated over a week ago

Create a Booking using the Bookings Tab with these simple steps:

  1. Click on Bookings tab

  2. Click on New Booking

3. The form that appears is for the Booking's General details

4. Enter a Description.  This field is the 'name of the booking' which will appear in your Calendar, and that of any models added to the booking (if they are using the Syngency app.)

5. Save the Booking by clicking Save (bottom right of the page).  A band at the top of the page will show you the booking has been saved.

6. You are able to save a booking with only the Description field filled out- this is the minimum requirement to save.

Next Steps:

  1. Fill out as much information as you have available for the booking

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