A brief overview what the different Setting Types mean and do from a Talent profile under Details.
"Published" means Talent are published & visible on your website (only works if Agency has Website integration)
"Submissions" means they are have been created from a website submission and need to be reviewed
"Terminated" is if they are no longer with the agency. (NB this terminology will likely change to "Archived" in future)
"Traveling" means talent are traveling (depending on website customisations this can sometimes lead to a small airplane icon being displayed on the talent headshot if Published to website)
"In Town" is if they are currently in town ("In Town" talent can be displayed on the Agent Dashboard Widget if this widget has been enabled for the Agent account)
"Subscribed" means they will receive Casting Call emails
Did you know: Please see this article for instructions on how to bulk activate Talent Settings: https://support.syngency.com/en/articles/8397081-bulk-edit-talent