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Reports - an Overview
Ryan Marshall avatar
Written by Ryan Marshall
Updated over a week ago

Reports are an extremely valuable tool for gaining insight into your Organization's general performance, as well as drilling down into more specific details.
The functions of each report differ, so be sure to keep an eye out for the search parameters available for each.

*Please note that ONLY Admins or users with this permission activated are able to run Reports.*

Also keep in mind that every report is made available as a PDF, CSV, or Email export, often-times with the Email To field pre-populated. These functions are accessable via the top right drop down menu (pictured below).

Agency Reports

Agency Revenue - Displays a graph of Model Fees and Agency Fees over time in addition to a dated list of Bookings, Clients, Agents, Invoice #s, Model Fees & Expenses, Agency Fees, Invoice Totals, Model Commission & Net, and Agency Net. Columns are click-able and linked to the booking for quick reference. A summary of each column is displayed at the bottom. 

Agency Placements - Displays a list of Agencies your Models are placed with in addition to the Country, Mother Agency, and MA Commission %.

Agent Revenue - Displays per selected Agent, a graph of Model Fees and Agency Fees over time in addition to a date-stamped list of Bookings, Clients, Agents, Invoice #s, Model Fees & Expenses, Agency Fees, Invoice Totals, Model Commission & Net, and Agency Net. Columns are click-able and linked to the booking for quick reference. A summary of each column is displayed at the bottom. 

Top Agents - If you have a Multi-Office account you can leave the Office field blank to pull the report for all Offices, or select a specific Office. Displays number of Agent Bookings and Talent Fees in order of largest to smallest. 

Mother Agency Commissions - You're first able to select a Mother Agency (or All), and choose to show in the report only Paid, only Outstanding, or All commission fees. This report will be ordered by Mother Agency and will display for each the Invoice #, Job date, Invoiced date, Paid date, Booking name, Client, Model, Model Fee, Commission %, and Total Due, as well as a Summary row at the bottom of the report. 

Revenue by Booking Status / Schedule Type / Shoot Location - This report shows the same data points as Agency Revenue, but displays Booking Status (Open, Non-Billable, etc), Schedule Type (Option, Confirmed, Fitting, Test, etc), or Shoot Location in addition to the other data points. 

Division Reports

Division Revenue - This report shows the same data points as Agency Revenue, but filters according to the Division you've selected. Useful if you'd only like to see revenue for one of your Divisions. 

Top Divisions - Displays number of Bookings and Model Fees for Divisions in order of largest to smallest. 

Talent Reports

Talent Activity - Displays a Model's bookings for the selected date range sorted by either Schedule Type(Option, Confirmed, Fitting, Test, etc), or Booking Status (Open, Non-Billable, etc).

Talent Commissions - Displays the selected Model's date-stamped Bookings, Client name, Invoice #, Fees, and Commission.

Talent Revenue - Displays the selected Model's date-stamped Bookings, Client name, Invoiced To name, booking Agent, Invoice #, Currency, Model Fees & Expenses, Agency Fees, Invoice Total, Model Commission, Model Net, and Agency Net. 

Talent Statement - This report displays Jobs Paid (client has paid Agency), Expenses Paid (Model accrued Advances or Chargebacks that have been paid from Model to Agency), Jobs Outstanding (completed jobs that have been Invoiced but not paid), Jobs Available (Bookings that have not yet been completed or Invoiced), and Expenses Outstanding (Model accrued Advances or Chargebacks that have not been paid from Model to Agency). This report also shows a Subtotal and Balance Pending summary at the bottom, and is exportable with the Model's name and contact information in the top-right of the report. 

Talent Placements - Displays a Model's Mother Agency with commission, and Placements with commission. Able to be filtered to display an individual Agency, individual Model, or All. 

Talent Net Balances - Displays the Model's name, total dollar amount of Jobs Available, Adjustments, Agency Commission, Outstanding Chargebacks, and Current Balance. This report can be filtered to show an individual Office or individual talent. 

Talent Expenses - Displays all Advances and Chargebacks accrued by a model accompanied by the Description, Date recorded, Date paid, and Amount. This report can be filtered to show individual Offices, Talent, or Divisions. You're also able to search for specific Descriptions if you enter the same description for many talent such as "Website Fee" or "Comp Cards". Note that this report doesn't include Expenses associated with specific Bookings, only Advances and Chargebacks assigned to models in the "Expenses" tab of their Talent Profile. 

New Talent - Displays the Model's name, Date added in to the system, and Agent for the selected date range. This report includes a Total counter at the bottom to quickly view the total number of new talent added during the selected date range. This report is able to be filtered by Office or Division

Top Talent - Displays number of Bookings and Talent Fees in order of largest to smallest. This report is able to be filtered by Office or Division. 

1099 Summary - This report displays a Model's name, Tax Number, Address, Email, Fees, Reimbursements from any Booking Expenses, Advances, Commissions, Chargebacks, and Total Income for the specified date range. This report also features a quick link to each Model's Talent Statement report.

Client Reports

Client Revenue - Displays date-stamped Bookings, Clients, Agents, Invoice #s, Model Fees & Expenses, Agency Fees, Invoice Totals, Model Commission & Net, and Agency Net. Columns are click-able and linked to the booking for quick reference. A summary of each column is displayed at the bottom. This report can be sorted to display an individual Client, or all. 

Top Clients - Displays highest revenue Clients based on your selected date range. Shows Client names, number of Bookings for the selected period, and Model Fees for the selected period. 

Top Clients by Agent - This report pulls the same data as the Top Clients report above, but assigns the Revenue to the Agent that originated the Booking. 

Client Type Revenue - This report necessitates assigning Types to each Client (I.e. "Brand", "Ad Agency", "Sporting Goods"). The report will display date-stamped Bookings along with the Client names, Invoiced to names, booking Agents, Invoice #s, Currency, Model Fees and Expenses, Agency Fees, Invoice Totals, Model Commissions, Model Net, and Agency Net. 

Top Client Types - Displays top Client Types (I.e. "Brand, "Ad Agency", "Sporting Goods") based on Talent Fees. 

Zero-Revenue Clients - Displays a list of Clients sorted by Revenue and the date of their last Activity (if any).

Zero-Activity Clients - Displays a list of Clients sorted by last Activity date, and the date of the last recorded Activity (if any).

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