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Creating a Task

How to create your first task, and some helpful tips on how to manage your tasks.

Ryan Marshall avatar
Written by Ryan Marshall
Updated over 4 years ago

Creating tasks is quick and easy, but there are two different methods depending on the purpose of the task. Here we will step through how to create a task using each of these methods.

From the Task sidebar

Creating a task from the Task sidebar is the quickest way to create a task for yourself, or assign one to another agent.

Open the Task sidebar, and click the New Task tab. You will see the following form displayed:

Description, Type, and Assignee are all required fields – you only need to enter a Due Date if you would like for the assignee to receive reminders as the date approaches. Add any additional information to Notes.

Click the Add button, and the sidebar will switch to the My Tasks tab, with the new task added to the top of the list.

From a Booking, Contact, or Talent profile

Tasks can also be created for bookings, contacts, or talent. This is useful if you have a process that needs to be conducted by your agents for each new booking (such as sending out waiver forms to the talent) or sending new contracts to recently-signed talent.

To do this, open the Tasks tab within the booking, contact, or talent profile:

If no tasks have been created yet, the list on the right side of the page will be empty.

To create a new task, click the + icon in the top-right corner of the Tasks tab, and select the type of task you would like to add:

To manage this list of available task types, refer to Managing Task Types.

Once you select a task type, it will be added to the list:

You can now add details to the task, such as:

  • Enter a description:

  • Assign to another agent:

  • Assign a Due Date

  • Add some notes

The task is automatically saved each time you make a change.

Should you want to delete the task, hover over the top right of the task panel, and a remove icon will appear:

This task will now appear in the My Tasks list of the assignee, associated with the booking, contact, or talent you have created it for:

To mark a task complete, hover over the type icon and click when it changes to a green tick icon. In the Tasks sidebar, it will disappear and be moved to the Completed list, and in the booking, contact, or talent page, it will collapse to just showing the "completed" task icon and description:

To re-open a completed task, simply hover over the task type and click when you see the "undo" icon:

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